The highlight of a dessert buffet is and remains the chocolate fountain. But the popular chocolate fountain does not have to remain a rarity. Home models regularly delight sweet mouths and make family celebrations extra special.
How does the chocolate fountain work?
As the name suggests, a chocolate fountain is also a fountain, but instead of water, it lets liquid chocolate flow. Here, fruits and other delicacies can be dipped and then enjoyed covered with chocolate.
The chocolate fountain usually consists of a device base, which contains the motor and the heating element, as well as a tower with several floors and a collecting basin.
Worth knowing: The chocolate fondue is similar, but the mass is not kept in motion.
Pump or worm shaft?
Basically, there are two types of fountains for home chocolate fountains - the chocolate fountain with a pump and the model with a worm shaft. But how do the two types differ?
Chocolate fountain with pump
If the chocolate fountain is driven by a pump, the chocolate mass is transported to the top of the chocolate fountain by means of a hose. From there, the chocolate can flow back into the collection basin via the plate attachments. The pumps are often used for smaller chocolate fountains of up to around 40 centimetres. However, the volume of the pumps can be perceived as quite unpleasant.
Chocolate fountain with snail
With an electrically operated spiral, it is also possible to transport the liquid chocolate to the top of the fountain. This variant offers two attractive advantages for its users: chocolate fountains with worm shafts work much more quietly than fountains with a pump drive and they can also often be dismantled more easily. In addition, some parts are dishwasher-safe, making cleaning much easier. Especially after a night of partying, the easier cleaning is a real blessing.
What should be considered when buying?
In order to buy the right chocolate fountain, the most important criteria should be considered when buying. We reveal what these are in this part of our guide.
The efficiency
The heating and the gearbox of the chocolate fountain have a certain power. With larger models, a power of 200 watts or higher should be preferred so that the chocolate flows nicely and can be kept warm throughout the evening. With smaller table fountains, lower performance figures are often sufficient.
The material
Models made of stainless steel look much more elegant and are more robust in the long run than chocolate fountains made of plastic. Cleaning is also much easier with steel products. Parts made of stainless steel can easily be cleaned in the dishwasher. If the individual parts are made of plastic, they roughen up over time and have a negative effect on the flow behavior of the chocolate.
The volume
The volume plays an important role when it comes to a social evening in a small group. At a larger event, a slightly louder chocolate fountain will hardly attract attention. Nevertheless, the focus should also be on the purchase here in order to ultimately choose the perfect indoor fountain for your own needs.
The kind of chocolate fountain
In addition to the type of drive, which has already been discussed in this article, you can choose between different types of fountains. Would you like a mini chocolate fountain or would you like to wow your guests with a chocolate fountain double? Depending on how many people you want to host, you can decide on the right fountain size.
The pros and cons of chocolate fountains
Chocolate fountains come with a variety of sweet benefits. But are there also disadvantages? We clarify this aspect in this section of our guide.
The benefits of chocolate fountains
- Almost everyone loves chocolate
- Chocolate fountains are a real eye-catcher at every party
- The operation runs by itself
- Simple application
- Often quite cheap to buy
The disadvantages of chocolate fountains
- Can be quite loud at times
- Chocolate needs to be refilled regularly
- Cleaning is sometimes quite difficult
- An unhealthy affair - but delicious!
The right chocolate
What would a chocolate fountain at home be without chocolate? Here you can choose different shapes from white to dark chocolate. When it comes to the amount of chocolate, you should always pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer so that no accident happens and valuable chocolate is lost or the beautifully set table is dirty. A proportion of 100 grams is also calculated per person. At least 500 grams must be filled into most chocolate fountains to ensure that they work perfectly.
The home chocolate fountain is a real hit at parties. The sweet affair not only tastes good, but also looks great. Then the great feasting can begin!