Mineral water should not be missing in any household, for the next party, dinner or simply to quench your thirst. If you don't want to lug around heavy boxes, you can buy a drinking water bubbler. In this article you will learn what you should know about a soda streamer.
What is a drinking water bubbler or soda streamer?
A drinking water bubbler or a soda streamer are actually the same thing. This is a water dispenser that enriches plain tap water with carbon dioxide. So that the CO2 in the purchased cartridge can convert the tap water into sparkling water, the bubbler needs electricity to generate the required pressure.
Most current soda makers use either glass or plastic bottles of various sizes. The scope of delivery usually includes the first CO2 cartridges.

Advantages of a soda streamer
With a streamer, there is no need to regularly buy crates of drinks. Another advantage of a sparkling water maker is that the mineral water is always freshly prepared using your own tap water. In addition, you can choose the level of carbonation yourself and don't have to choose between ready-made levels such as soft or sparkling.
The biggest factor, however, is the relief of the environment through the use of a drinking water carbonator and the conscious avoidance of plastic bottles.
Disadvantages of a soda streamer
The initial price of a SodaStreamer must of course be taken into account in the consideration. The required CO2 cylinders also have to be produced and bought. In the end you will ask yourself whether the purchase was worth it.
If you live in an apartment and the family is large, then this type of water preparation makes sense. If you have a single household, you may be more likely to use a light plastic bottle.
Why buy a bubbler?
An important point when purchasing a bubbler is the price-performance ratio. So you can save a lot of money compared to sparkling water in a box. The environment is also protected, since fewer water boxes for your own sparkling water have to be transported logistically.
Save money with your own sparkling water
If you actually use a sparkling water maker, you will save money after a while. The cost of a CO2 cartridge is between five and ten euros. If a cartridge is assumed to be enough for 60 liters, then the price per liter of sparkling water is between €0.08 and €0.16. This is much cheaper compared to the bottle.
At this price, even cheap mineral water from a discount store cannot keep up. Depending on the size of a family, a soda streamer will pay off sooner or later.
Protect the environment with the bubble device
Since the tap water in Germany is generally of good drinking quality, it shouldn't really have to be packed and transported in crates. In addition, most plastic bottles in Germany are still not fully recycled, which means that new crude oil always has to be turned into plastic bottles.
What should you pay attention to when buying a drinking water bubbler?
The price for purchasing a device ranges between 50 and 150€. You should also find out whether the associated bottles are included in the scope of delivery. Important factors of a drinking water bubbler are the stability of the device, the processing quality and the cost of the CO2 cartridges.